
Showing posts from August, 2013

Body Lotions: EcoTools -Sustaining Softness Body Lotion

I really don't know why EcoTools decided to get rid of their lotions, body washes, face washes...all they sell now are tools for the face and body. It sucks because I happen to like their lotions very much. At least you can still find them on Amazon and other online websites (If you are lucky)!  Rate: 4.0 out of 5.0 Price: Varies depending on where you buy. Can range anywhere from $7 to $13 for an 8oz bottle. Where: Amazon  (so if this blogpost got you interested, better get your hand of it fast!)  What the company said : (info found on the packaging) EcoToolsā„¢ Body Lotion, thick and rich with natural shea butter, provides long-lasting moisturization, leaving skin soft and supple. This unique formula absorbs easily into skin, leaving a protective layer of moisturizer. Awaken your spirit with a refreshing scent while sustaining soft skin - naturally. What I think: The scent is not everyone's cup of tea, but it is certainly mine. The scent is actually the...

Origami: Simple Mushroom Instructions

This little 2D mushroom is so cute and easy to make, and the best part, is that you can add your own designs, colors, patterns, anyway you like! All you need is an origami paper of you choice in color, some color pencils or markers or paint, and whatever else you might like to decorate your mushroom with!  Instructions for the origami mushroom:

Art Supplies: Artist's Loft by Micheal's

On my recent trip to Michael's Arts and Crafts (looking for Acrylic Paints and Pastels), I came across this relatively inexpensive brand, called, "Artist's Loft". As if the prices were not ridiculously affordable already, it happened to be on sale as well, "Buy two get one free", and since I was a beginner at using paints and pastels, I decided to jump aboard this deal.  Each set was $9.99, and it all came with a set of colors and a pad of paper. I got an acrylic paint set, a watercolor set, and a soft pastel set. I have used each of these already, however, I only started painting with watercolors and acrylics recently, so I really do not know the difference between qualities of brands, but I do know how I feel about them. Here are my thoughts: I have another set of Watercolors that I had recently bought from Target, and I like them, but these Artist's Loft ones offer so much more! A little bit goes a long way with these. For $10, you sure are getting a ...

Origami: Slice of Cake Instructions

Hi all! Today I am going to make a Slice of Cake out of paper. This is actually a really simple Origami figure. It is also not made out of one piece of paper, in fact, this cake involves using scissors. It's really cute, huh? Slice of Cake Instructions

Origami: Simple Strawberry Instructions

This little strawberry is so cute, just probably one of the simplest origami there is to fold. When I followed the instructions, and once I had completed it, I was really surprised at how simple it really is. So for those of you that are starting out, here is an origami for you! It's fast, it's simple, and it actually looks like a strawberry, well, a one-dimensional strawberry, but it is recognizably a strawberry. So let's start with the instructions!