Eyeliners: Italia - 8 set of Colorful Eyeliners for $6.25! Hot or Not? Review

I got this beautiful-looking set of Eyeliners for Christmas and was immediately intrigued. The pencils themselves look sophisticated with their sleek-black exteriors, and their colorful tips let you know which color they are on the inside without you having to pull off the cap. These eyeliners come from a brand named Italia and they are extremely inexpensive. This 8-piece set costs $6.25 at Amazon. Judging from what I see online of what products this brand has to offer, it seems to be in the same category as companies like, BH Cosmetics, where they buy makeup in bulk from a wholesaler and slab on their company name, hence why everything from companies like these all have the same look and same price points. I have no problem with companies like these. They are actually quite nice when you are starting out and on a budget. You can really get a lot with a small amount of allowance and there are some great products available, if you are willing to find them. The d...