Butterfly Origami Series #3: Butterfly For Alice Gray

Okay, okay, I admit it! I like the fact that my name is in it, however, this butterfly was made for another Alice. 
A Butterfly for Alice Gray

This butterfly was created completely by accident. You see, Micheal Lafosse met Alice Gray when he was just a teenager. She was an entomologist at American Museum of Natural History and an advocate for origami, so when Mr. Lafosse met Alice Gray, he was nervous, and while they talked his fingers were nervously busy folding. Guess what Mr. Lafosse ended up folding? That's right, a butterfly, and not just any butterfly, but a one of a kind butterfly. So he named it after Alice, the one that nervously and subconsciously inspired him to fold it. 

When I read that story, it touched me. I remember being extremely nervous when I asked a boy in my class in high school, whom I had a huge crush on a simple question. The question was so simple, yet I stumbled on my words and stuttered out the question, while turning beet red at the same time. I swear, the whole class heard my thumping heart. Unfortunately, that moment of nervously did not give birth to a one-of-kind butterfly, it just left me embarrassed for the rest of the year. So Lafosse got off a lot better than I did. 

This butterfly is simple, with the same body structure most, if not all, origami butterfly starts out with. Yet it is different enough to stand out and hold its ground among its peers. This butterfly is better made out of two-tone paper (paper that have two colored sides), since the folds allow you to see both sides of the paper.

Instructions in how to fold this butterfly:
Good luck! Happy Wandering, Alice


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