Behind the Makings of The Shadow Hunter

You have no idea how long I have been planning this look! Ever since last May, 2014! I had been planning, and planning, and planning, and kept putting off the actually making part. You see, I felt it was too ambitious, and that I wasn't going to be able to create something up to Shadowhunter fans' standards, or even my standards at that. Finally, I decided to just go for it, and I have to say that I am glad that I did, because I am quite proud of what I accomplished. 

The question I ask myself when creating a fantasy character is, "What would I look like if I was this or that." And in this case, "What would I look like if I was a Shadow Hunter."

So this is the final sketch of my character, and she is heavily based on my favorite character in the Mortal Instruments, Isabelle Lightwood.

In the book she is described as beautiful, modelesque. She is also fierce and strong, as well as, extremely loyal.

And of course, she also has killer style. 

The fan in me wanted a completed look for my Shadow Hunter character, not just a makeup look. I wanted a background, props, and the costume. I wanted my character to become as real as possible. 

So little by little, I sketched out everything. Then bought all the supplies I needed to create each piece, and finally I filmed each section separately. It took me a good few months to buy and make everything. Filming took only two-three hours and editing took a good solid few days. 

I may go into more detail on how I made the Stele, but here is the overview of "Behind the Making" of the Shadow Hunter. I hope you will enjoy these behind the scene footages, because I am planning on doing this for my bigger projects, just so you can get the idea of how everything went down. 

Happy Wandering! Alice


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