Tutorial: "Anarchy" Urban Decay Face Case Demo & Review

The minute I saw the colors within this case, I knew that this would make the perfect Valentine's Date look. Unfortunately, Urban Decay's Anarchy Face Case is not available anymore, not even on the Urban Decay's Website! If I had known they were going to discontinue this so soon after the holidays I would have done this look sooner for you guys. I am so sorry for that. However, like I mentioned in my video, I have bought an extra case and will be doing a giveaway on Thursday, 1/23/2014! 

For now, let's just enjoy this review. Maybe you can find dupes for these colors and recreate it. There is always another way of doing things. 

The shades in this palette are just so soft and romantic. You can see why I thought of Valentine's Day with these colors. 

There are two layers in the case. 

-The top layer consists of 5 eyeshadows, a 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Perversion, and a Super-Saturated High Gloss Lip Color in Scandal.

The Colors from left to right are: Redemption, Fray, Vaporize, Provocateur, & Revolt. They are all highly pigmented.

Redemption is looks like a dark brown in the photo, but it really is a beautiful shimmery, gun-metal grey.

Fray is a matte everyday nude-beige. A must in any palette in my opinion.

Vaporize is a chestnut brown with a slight gold undertone. This shade is extra buttery, a pleasure to work with, and is slightly metallic.

Provocateur has the most fall out and the shades, and when I mean fall out, I mean glitter galore! However, it is a beautiful glittery nude pink, slightly metallic. Apply on wet to get its true gorgeous color.

Revolt is the most intense when it comes to pigmentation. This silver metallic is out of control, but it is a lovely chaotic color. Great to use as an eyeliner, but when applied lightly, it offers a sweet, iridescent overlay to bear skin or over any color.

Now on the second layer you will find the lip pencil again, and also two blushes, and a beautiful highlighter. 

(From left to right): Fetish, Quickie, Craze (such provocative names, and both blushes are very pigmented but easy to blend).

Fetish is a plum-pink with a gold undertone. 

Quickie is a bright bubblegum pink with a cooler undertone. I quite like this one. It gives my cheeks a fresh-flush look.

Craze is a golden-tone, champagne highlighter that can work with any skin tone! This highlighter is just beautiful!

Happy Wandering!


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