The Famous "Color Switch" by Vera Mona

When I heard about a sponge that would allow you to do an entire eye look with one or two makeup brushes, I immediately made it my mission to find this sponge because the less makeup brushes you use, the less you will have to wash. I hate washing makeup brushes, haha.

And I found one! Introducing the Color Switch by Vera Mona.

This Color Switch is actually in collaboration with Sephora, so I of course found this at Sephora for $20.00, but you can find this in various online sites, including a duo-set at Walmart for $19.00.

The sponge's texture is not soft, but a bit crisp and rough, perfect for scraping off powder from the brush bristles. However, don't go to town with swirling the brush in the sponge with force, because that can really damage the bristles. All you need to do is gently swipe the brush head along the sponge several times on each side, and the brush is ready to be used on an another shadow.

This was really a game changer for my makeup application routine. It's so nice to be able to use your favorite brush over and over again, without having to worry about accidentally mixing colors and messing up your eye look. 

This sponge is also washable, which means, you can reuse it! I haven't washed mine yet (even though I desperately need to), but it's nice to know that your $20.00 will last you a long, long time. There are also cheaper alternatives that other companies are coming out with their versions, which I can not wait to find a dupe for this Color Switch. 

What are your thoughts on the idea of a Color Switch? Is it a must-have, or a pass? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering! Alice

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