Acne Product: Dr. Lin Skincare Acne Spot Corrector

You know, I already knew that Benzoyl Peroxide does not work on my pimples, but for some reason I still decided to give this a try when I got this tube in one of my beauty subscriptions. I was thinking I may as well try it, since I was having some problem areas at the time, and having a full size product to test out, I can be generous with the applications and really go for it. The results...let's just say I should have known better, knowing that Benzoyl Peroxide does not work well with my skin. I guess what I am trying to say is that, sometimes, we should stick to what we know.

Before I go into more detail about what happened, let me first give you some general information about this product. The Dr. Lin skincare line is devoted to help those that have acne-problematic skin. It was created by Dr. Michael Lin, who has battled acne for years, and devoted his practice to not just help people battle their acne, but also help them achieve clear skin and to keep their skin clear. This Acne Spot Corrector is a piece of his line of acne clarifying treatments. It contains 5.0% Benzoyl Peroxide and a blend of Bearberry Tea Extracts and soothing Allatonin, which will help diminish scarring and marks left from acne. It is also an affordable drugstore brand that can be found at Walmart for $5.49 for 1.0 fl oz of product! This just sounded too good to be true. So I tried it out for a good week before I knew I had to stop using it.

The results were horrific (keep in mind, my skin does not do well with Benzoyl Peroxide). I followed the directions of applying it once a day, to get my skin used to the product (you can apply up to three times a day), because Benzoyl Peroxide is known to be drying to the skin. I applied this to two huge pimples near my hairline, and a few bumps that were happening around my chin area. After four days of no results,  I upped my dosage to twice a week, morning and evening application. After a few days, my pimple on my forehead looked like a solid, hard red bump, and my the skin on my chin felt like there was a layer of melted plastic stuck to it (it was a layer of drying skin that did not want to come off). I had to stop using this product at this point. It took me a week for my chin to go back to normal and the huge pimple on my head is slowing disappearing, but at the moment it is still there. The redness went away, but the giant bump is still there. It's been about three weeks since I last applied the acne treatment to my skin.

This product did not work for me, and this is going to be the last time I experiment with Benzoyl Peroxide. However, reading from other people's experiences, this product did work for them, so don't take my experience to heart. Every product gives different results to different people, but I do want to leave you with this. If you already know a certain ingredient is not right for you, keep away from it. I'm lucky I only got the side-effects I got. It could have been a whole lot worst.

Happy Wandering, Alice


  1. I actually really love this product, it works wonders for my pimples, but it is drying. Also I can't find it very often

    1. Yeah you're lucky! The pimple on my forehead is still there! And it's been over a month. I don't know why Benzoyl Peroxide does this to me, but I'm going to stay clear if it from now on. Never have this bad of a reaction before! =) But I am glad it works for you!


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