Random: My Birthday Wish is...

So it's a pretty special day for me today...it's my Birthday! Yay!
It's exciting to be a year older, but I'm getting to that age where I don't really care too much about celebrating my birthday anymore. It's just another day of my life, and seriously I rather not get older.

That being said, there is one birthday wish I would like to come true more than anything in the world and that is have one whole year, all 365 days of it to be drama-free! This 2015 has been nothing but drama and problems month after month for me. Once one problem dies down a little, another springs up in its place and frankly, I AM SICK OF IT! 

Usually my average year is pretty chill with one or two minor-problems...but this year was a major melt-down. It has really tested my mental-state, my physical-state, and my financial-state. I am just ready to rest because I am tired.

So if "Birthday Wishes" are real and if they do come true, if it is truly what you want and really I am not asking for much, but please, please, please give me one year of freedom from drama and stress. All I want to do for my 27th year is to be healthy, work, save money, do YouTube and Blogging, maybe travel a bit, laugh and spend time with the people I care about, and that's it. Basically to live my life peacefully for my next year of life.

Now the real test is waiting staying positive. To be honest, there will be problems, but I am hoping I won't get tested like I did when I was 26. Let's see if my wish comes true...I will update in 365 days! 

Happy Wandering! Alice


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