Scrubs: Vasanti Brighten Up! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator

"Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator"...those three words was what drawn me to give this product a try.

Enzymes are known to help with the exfoliation of your skin, and exfoliation is key to the skin renewal process, which in turn keeps the skin looking refreshed, healthy and youthful. So I am a huge fan of Enzyme Face products.

The Brighten Up! Enzymatic Face Rejuvenator is actually Vasanti Cosmetics #1 online seller, so after reading that, I now have to see what the rave is all about.

According to Vasanti, this scrub is a triple action power scrub where it brightens, exfoliates & cleanses with instant results of smoother and more radiant skin. (INSTANT RESULTS! I have to experience this!) This exfoliating cleanser is also enriched with Papaya, Micro-crystals and Aloe. 

Test Trail Begins!
First Use, Friday, Oct. 16, 2015: The first thing I noticed about the scrub is that there is not enough exfoliants in the creamy scrub than I would have liked, but I figured the enzymes in the creamy product will help with the exfoliation process. 

The first thing I noticed after I washed off the product is that my skin didn't feel stripped which is always a good thing. Right out of the shower, I quickly dried my face and touched my dried skin. To my surprise my skin actually felt extremely soft! My skin didn't look more radiant but it definitely felt smoother. 

Second Use, Sunday, Oct. 18, 2015: Two days later I tried the scrub again. This time I applied it to my face when it was less wet, so I was able to feel the finely milled grains better. So I take back what I said in my first impression on the cleanser not having enough exfoliants. Again, after the shower my skin did not feel stripped and it felt soft and smooth. I am beginning to really enjoy this scrub! 

Third Use, Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2015: I waited a bit longer to use this scrub again because I noticed that my skin didn't like being exfoliated so often. This time I didn't notice much of a difference to my skin from what I noticed in my previous uses.

Fourth Use, Saturday, Oct. 24, 2015: Saturday was the 4th time using it, and it has been over a week of trying out this Face Exfoliator. I haven't noticed my skin looking more radiant than usual, but after every use my skin do feel smooth and soft.

Overall I do enjoy the outcome of my skin with the face exfoliator. However, I have tried better face scrubs, so I do not think I will go out and order the full size. I'm still pretty hooked on my Epice "Purifying Exfoliant".

What face scrub are you loving at the moment? Let me know in the comments!
Happy Wandering! Alice


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