Nails: Nailtini "Caviar Cocktail" NailColor

MmmHmmm...nothing is more beautiful than a Gunmetal-Blue polish on your nails on a grey cloudy day. And this beautiful, shimmery gunmetal Nail Lacquer from Tini Beauty's Nailtini Nail Polish line is probably one of the most unique gunmetal colors I have seen. Tini Beauty describes this polish as a "Shimmery Gunmetal Grey", but the shimmer somewhat disappears once you layer on the polish and becomes more metallic. The color also has a blue undertone to it, that looks completely fascinating under certain lights. As you can see in the flash-photo, it has a silver-chrome undertone.

This polish is also a dream to apply on the nails. The first coat was a bit streaky, but a second coat makes the overall look perfect. Dry time is decent, and wear time is incredibly decent as well. Without a top coat, the nails were chip-free for a few days. I wish I took pictures of the wear-process, but it completely slipped my mine this time. However, wear time wouldn't matter if you wear a good topcoat, which we all usually do anyways.

Overall, I love the color and it is perfect for the grey mornings that has been getting more and more common here in Silicon Valley. I really can not wait for the rain come!

Happy Wandering! Alice


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