Haircare: Macadamia Flawless Cleansing Conditioner

For some reason, I thought the consistency of this product was going to be like a hairspray. That was why it took me so long to give this product a try even though I had it in my test-pile for over a year. I guess you can say I was scared of the unfamiliar. I didn't understand it, so I didn't know how to use it.

What the +Macadamia Professional Flawless Cleansing Conditioner is, is a one-step shampoo & conditioner where it not only cleans and conditions the hair but it also helps with styling and it reduces blow dry time.

Like all Macadamia Professional Products, this conditioner also contains their famous mixture of Macadamia and Argan oils.

The product comes in a can that resembles an aerosol can, so you can see why I thought the product may come out like a hairspray. It actually comes out like mousse and it settles into an opaque gel. It's really weird with an interesting texture. The product does not lather up so it was hard to tell how much product was enough to coat your hair. So I did two pumps and I believe that did the trick.

Once I rinsed, I could tell right away that my hair felt clean but it definitely need more conditioner. I had to fight myself to not put more conditioner on my hair and just let it be to see the true results of this product on my hair. Macadamia Professionals were right about one thing, my hair did dry more quickly than usual but that's because the product did not lock in enough moisture to begin with, leaving my hair pretty dry right out of the shower. You know when a conditioner or hair balm is very moisturizing when your hair retains a lot of water even after you towel dry it.

After my hair was dry, I was actually quite pleased with how my hair turned out. Although it felt a bit dry, it was still tangled free and smooth. Second day hair was even better once my natural oils kicked in. From this first use I can already tell I would not be able to use this as my daily shampoo & conditioner. I would not even be able to use it as a weekly or biweekly shampoo/conditioner.

And here's why. The Macadamia Natural Oil Care & Treatment Line products are rich in Omega 3, 5, 7 & 9 fatty acids from the Macadamia and Argan oils. Although these oils are nourishing to the hair, too much protein can cause the hair to become brittle. I had experienced that effect with the Macadamia's Deep Repair Masque. With this cleansing conditioner, I could tell this product will do the same to my hair if I use it too often. So it may just be a once a month treat for my hair.

I hope this review was helpful! Macadamia Professional products intrigues me, but I don't buy a lot of their products because of their price point. A full size of this cleanser/conditioner is already $33.00 for 8 oz of product! So I would have to buy these products slowly, but I will be sure to review more in the near future!

Happy Wandering! Alice


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