Face Masks: Dr. Brandt Pores No More Blackhead Removal Vacuum Cleaner Mask

The Pores No More Blackhead Removal Vacuum Cleaner Mask is a "gentle exfoliating mask that helps loosen and extract blackheads without painful extortion tools while absorbing excess oil. Dr. Brandt's exclusive formula combines salicylic and glycolic acid to assist in the release of blackheads while Eijitsu Rose tightens up the look of pores."                             ~Dr. Brandt Skincare~

In the beginning I was not impressed with this pore de-cloggng mask from Dr. Brandt's Skincare Line. For its price tag of $45.00 for 1 oz. of product, I expected instant results and when I did not see any results after using the mask twice in a couple days I was tempted in writing this product off as a dud. Luckily I stuck with it and used it a couple more times. After the fifth or so use I finally saw some changes to my pores. The stubborn blackheads that hung around my nose area actually looked a bit lighter. Now with new found enthusiasm, I kept using the mask to see how clear it can get my pores to look. Fast forward a bit to present time, I now claim that I am absolutely ecstatic with the results the Pores No More Blackhead Removal Vacuum Cleaner Mask has done for my blackheads! 

Here are a few things that I learned about this mask:

- A little goes a long way. I only apply the mask on areas I have pores & blackhead problems to ensure my little sample lasted, and boy did it last! A full size tube will definitely lasts me up to a year!
-It takes time for this product to work. So if you do pick this up, be patient with it and give it at least three to four weeks to make up your mind about the mask. This is not an instant result product. 
-Use it only two times a week (three if you have extremely oily skin) because this will dry out your skin.
-The product comes out as a white-clear color, but dries to a grayish-blue. Once the mask changes colors, I still like to keep the mask on for another 10-15 minutes to make sure the mask is completely dry.

For those of you that has pesky dark blackheads like I do, this product can change your life!

How do you remove your blackheads? Let me know in the comments below!
Happy Wandering! Alice


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